U of MN Parli Debate Society

Constitution (as of 2/2/04)

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Constitution of the University of Minnesota Parliamentary Debate Society

Constitution of the University of Minnesota Parliamentary Debate Society




Section 1: The official name of this organization shall be the University of Minnesota Parliamentary Debate Society.


Section 2: The club shall operate as a non-profit organization.


Section 3: The club shall abide by the applicable rules and policies of the University of Minnesota pertaining

to student organizations.


Section 4: This organization shall exist for the following purposes:


·         Hold weekly on-campus debates

·         Sponsor public debates on topics of interest to the greater University community

·         Promote intercollegiate debating against other colleges and universities

·         Promote international debate

·         Acquire and maintain membership in the American Parliamentary Debate Association (APDA)


·         Compete regularly in APDA sanctioned competitions.




Section 1: Voting membership is open to all students, faculty and staff at the University of Minnesota.


Section 2: No more than 1/3 of the voting membership shall consist of non-students.


Section 3: Membership is open to all students without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, creed, marital status, public assistance status, or sexual orientation.


Section 4: To become a member, one must fill out the membership application form and return it to the Historian.


Section 5: Any member/officer may be impeached for misconduct for failure to perform duties, failure to attend weekly meetings regularly, misuse of funds, misconduct while traveling or representing the team in competition. The member/officer shall be given a seven day notice and an opportunity to defend him/herself. This impeachment vote shall require a 2/3 majority vote. The coach can only be removed by the Chair of the Department of Speech Communication.




Section 1: The officers of this club shall consist of President, Vice-President of Novice Training, Convenor, Historian, Publicist, and Coach (ex officio)


Section 2: All officers must be currently enrolled students at the University of Minnesota and registered for at least six credits. Exceptions to the requirement are permitted for graduate students upon receipt of a letter from the Director of Graduate Studies of the student's department certifying that the student is actively pursuing a degree.


Section 3: Officers shall be selected during the May meetings and shall serve for a period of one year. Officers shall be elected by plurality of the voting members present providing a quorum is present.


Section 4: The duties of the officers are as follows:


a. President - Preside over all meetings of the club and serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee. Act as official representative of the club at other meetings and events. The President is responsible for holding weekly debate meetings, supervising and assisting the other officers, assisting the coach, and administering UMPDS travel and other activities. The President is the UMPDS liaison to the Student Union Program and Activities (SUPA) board, the teams fundraiser, and chief executive officer. The President is the UMPDS representative to the American Parliamentary Debate Association.


b. Vice President for Novice Training - Preside at meetings of the club and the Executive Committee in the absence of the president. Succeed the president if the president were unable to complete his/her term of office. The VP Novice Training is responsible for recruiting, educating, and offering support and guidance to new debaters. The organization of novice tournaments and workshops (at least one per semester) are required.


c. Historian - Record and produce minutes of all meetings. Handle the club's

correspondence. Collect and file all ballots from intercollegiate competition,

posters and photos from on-campus debates, and documents related to the

activities of the UMPDS. It shall be the responsibility of the historian to find and

maintain records of past U of MN debates and debaters.


d. Coach- Handle all financial transactions of the club. Maintain thorough and accurate records of all transactions. Produce financial reports as required by the club. The Coach is accountable to the UMPDS and responsible for offering information about decisions affecting the UMPDS. In addition to advising the officers, the Coach is expected to attend the weekly meeting, supervise practice rounds and workshops, and to offer instruction on debate practice and theory. Although not required, the Coach should travel with the team to some intercollegiate competitions. In consultation with the team President and officers, the Coach schedules and approves travel and financial arrangements for the UMPDS. The Coach, with assistance from the Historian and other officers, is required to submit an annual report itemizing UMPDS activity and financial accounting. The Coach is the teams representative to University departments and administrators.


e. Convener- responsible for organizing, publicizing, and selecting topics for public debates. No fewer than two public events per semester may be held.



f. Publicist-Promote weekly meetings and other UMPDS events; maintain a current list of active debaters; maintain the UMPDS web page and links; publicize weekly debate meetings, practice debates, public debates and other related activities.




Section 1: A regular meeting shall be held once each week during the academic year. A special meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or by a petition of ten percent of the voting membership.


Section 2: A quorum shall be present in order to conduct official business of the club. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the voting membership plus one.


Section 3: Decisions of the club shall be enacted by a majority vote of the voting membership plus one.




Section 1: The club shall not provide monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise to its directors or membership. This does not restrict the payment of wages, salaries or incentives by the club for services rendered.


Section 2: Unless otherwise specified by the membership at the time of dissolution of the organization, residual assets shall be distributed to the following not-for-profit organizations according to the proportions below:


Department of Speech Communication 100%


(To be disbursed proportionally among other academic departments that contribute to the UMPDS budget at the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Speech Communication.)





Section 1: By-Laws may be proposed by the membership and may be adopted by a majority vote of those present at the meeting when a quorum is present.


Section 2: The UMPDS is required to hold weekly meetings that are open to member of the University

of Minnesota community. With the exception of meetings held for elections, and occasional

debate instruction, each weekly meeting should feature an open debate. The UMPDS is

committed to building a diverse membership and to maintaining a respectful and supportive

environment for student discourse that is consistent with U of MN policy regarding hate speech

and harassment. The officers are required to meet regularly to plan UMPDS events. In

accordance with the UMPDS statement of purpose, regular travel to APDA sanctioned

tournaments is expected.





Section 1: Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any member of the club. Such proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for a first reading to the membership at the regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be voted on.


Section 2: Duly proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the voting members providing a

quorum is present. A two-thirds majority vote in favor shall be required for adoption of such



Constitution ratified: (month, day, year)___________________________________________________



Witnessed: President_____________________________________________________________


